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Friday, September 21, 2007

It's always something!

I got a foot x-ray today. Sounds like fun, doesn't it? It's not even that good.

Back in mid January, (yeah, that was quite a while ago) I was in the floor playing with Brandon. Taylor was playing a video game and was really into it. Then he stood up and started jumping around and kicked my left foot.

I swear I thought he broke it. Tears instantly came to my eyes and I was left gasping for breath.

The pain decreased but never went away completely. It hurt to walk too long and I couldn't put any pressure on the left side of my foot by my ankle. Barely grazing it would put me in tears.

In March I asked my chiropractor about it. He decided that one of the smaller bones had been knocked out of place. After he put it back in place it felt a lot better. I was able to walk without pain but if it was hit I was still in tears.

I went to my doctor on Thursday and she thinks it is a sprain in the ligaments of the cuboidal bones. She's never had it herself but other patients have said it is quite painful.

NO SHIT!!!!!!

So today I had x-rays and I see a podiatrist on October 11. I'm just ready for it to stop hurting.

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