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Friday, September 21, 2007

Is This Thing On?

Hey, is there anybody out there?


I had hoped to get some interaction by writing this thing. Am I that boring? Someone please write to me!


bookworm said...

See, the thing is that we rarely comment. I don't think I ever told Sandie about it (oops) so if you didn't then she doesn't know. Maybe I'll put a post on mine....

The only people who read mine are Sandie and sometimes Bridgie. Phil and Jamie might check it once in a while.

But yes, I'm here, and I have you set up on my Bloglines feeds, so I know every time you post.

Sandra D said...

Hey, I finally found you! Just don't tell anybody but us this time, okay?

Yeah, I'd be crying in my Dr Pepper if I counted my blog's worth by the number of comments I get. I've been blogging for two and a half years and haven't attracted much of a following outside the family. But I don't do anything to publicize my blog, either.

Sherri comments sometimes, Bridgie doesn't have a computer at home and she's not allowed to use her work computer for personal surfing, Phil's computer's been messed up most of this year and the last I heard he still couldn't get back online, and Bob just got a laptop and it's messed up, too.

Occasionally I get a comment from somebody not related to me and I fall out of my chair from shock.

I have no idea who visits my blog because I've never put a stat counter on it. If I found out that a lot of people I don't know were reading it, I'd probably get stage fright (page fright?), and if I found out that all my relatives who say they read it really don't, it would hurt my feelings. So I prefer not to know.

Just do it for you. It's great therapy, except for when you can't say what you really want to say because the people driving you crazy are the ones who read your blog.

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