Lilypie6th to 18th Ticker

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I Knew It

I've been a little worried about Brandon lately. Whenever he gets mad he drops to the floor and starts banging his head. His forehead. It freaks me out because he does it hard enough to leave bruises. I've put him in "time out" in his bed before because he'll keep doing it and his bed is softer. James and I have pondered if he might be slightly autistic.

For being a preemie, you'd never be able to tell now. Sure the first few months were rough, but his only telling fact was that he didn't start to walk until he was 18 months. Except for the head banging. He already talks better than Taylor and Kyra did at this age. He loves to run and climb. In everything else he's right on target.

I finally broke down and looked it up on the internet today. Turns out it is very common in children between the ages of one and four. It should stop by the time he turns four. They have actually done studies and it's been shown that children who head bang are actually intellectually superior to their peers. It can be seen as a sign of intelligence.

I knew he was brilliant.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Things Are Tough All Over

Compared to some people, I've got it easy. Compared to a lot of others, it ain't so rosy. I know I shouldn't complain, but it feels good to give in to it sometimes.

First of all let me say this. Life is great. Kyra isn't sick so life is beautiful. Just dang near perfect. It's the "near" part that gets me.

I don't want to complain, but life can be so overwhelming. Every time I think I'm getting caught up, something else goes wrong. James and I both have a lot of debt from before we got together. His is mostly stuff his ex-wife did while he was overseas with the Army. She never worked so everything is in his name. When the got divorced she got half the bills. Since it's not in here name she has no incentive to pay anything. Most of mine is from Doug's medical bills before he died. His oldest daughter, Tanya, was nice enough to give all of the bill collectors my name and address after he died. We had finally given up and decided to file for bankruptcy, but found out today that we make too much to do Chapter 7. If we file Chapter 13 then we'll have to pay back $600 to $700 a month for 3 years. I don't see how they think we can afford that much. We are one car payment less because we gave back one of the cars, but I haven't noticed any bulging pockts yet.

I'm so disappointed. I was so looking forward to a fresh start. James is planning on quiting Wal-Mart next month to go to school. He has a GI Bill that he can use to pay for school and have a little money left over. Maybe once he does that our income will be low enough to file.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Fantastic News

Kyra's test results were negative! She does NOT have MENS 1.

Thank you all for your prayers.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

I'm Back, Again

What can I say. Life can get so hectic. It's been a while since I've posted So much has happened I don't know where to start. Part of my problem is that for Christmas we got a Nintendo Wii and I have been spending too much of my very little free time playing Harry Potter. I've beaten Voldemort but I don't know if I'll ever finish the game. There are different tasks you have to do in each section of the castle and I can't find them all. I need to check online to see if they have a walk thru. Also for Christmas we got an electric fire place and a HD DVD.

For my birthday I got a bicycle. Don't laugh. I have every intention of using it. For one it needs to get a whole lot warmer. For two, I need to get a child trailer so I can take Kyra and Brandon with me. Then we need to get James and Taylor one so we can ride together.

We went to Children's Hospital on 1/11 to have Kyra's genetic testing done. They used a little brush to "tickle" the sides of her mouth to get a skin sample. The results could take two to four weeks. We made a follow up appointment for 2/12 but they call and rescheduled it for 2/21. Great, I really want wait even longer. I'm so scared I can't think straight. The morning we went I woke up at 5 am and couldn't go back to sleep. I keep telling myself that she doesn't have it. I have to think positive. We did find out what the mutation is. Here, let me sound knowledgeable:

MEN 1 is a single base change of G to C in the +3 splice donor site of intron 7.


IVS7+3 G>C


c1049+3 G>C

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