Lilypie6th to 18th Ticker

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Kids have the crazy ability to make our hearts stop without really trying. I got a call from Kyra's school saying that she had fallen down at school and I needed to come pick her up. They said she had scraped her knee and had a pretty big goose egg on her forhead. I could hear her crying in the background and she sounded really upset. When she gets hurt I'm the only one who can calm her down. I left work right away and it took 20 minutes to get to her. James also came from home with Brandon.

Let me just say, when I saw her it broke my heart.

Her knee bled pretty good but it was just superficial. But then she lifted her bangs!!!!!!

Her goose egg was larger than a golf ball! It hurt to look at it. I just wanted to hold her and cry with her.

Her doctor is only at the clinic on Thursday which is when this happened so I felt pretty good about her going there instead of the ER. I called to let them know we were coming since it was noon. They said we wouldn't be able to see him but we could see his assistant. When we got there we sat in the waiting room for maybe two minutes then they brought us to the treatment room. The PA took one look at her and brought her doctor in. He checked her out and decided there were not fractures or concussion. Something about a hematoma and contusion. We bought her a bag of cookies and took her home to relax.

The swelling has gone down but the bridge of her nose is really puffy which makes her eyes look different. I'd say we were really lucky.

I talked to her teacher later that day and she said Kyra had tripped over the railroad ties that surround the playground and hit her head on the concrete. At first she was more worried about her knee so they didn't see her head right away. They then rushed her to the nurse office and put an icepack on it.

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