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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Posting Pictures

Can anyone explain how to post pictures on here? Sherri was going to walk me through it but I have dial up and my cell phone doesn't work at my house because there are too many trees. She was going to email me instructions but she's been too busy.

Any Advice?

Brandon has a thing about being naked. He won't leave his diaper on and now he's learned how to take his pants off. I have to keep him in one piece outfits to keep him dressed. The other day he was wearing a one piece shorts outfit and he reached in the pant leg and undid his diaper.

Short of using duct tape, how can a stop him from stripping?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Two Wonderful Years

James and I celebrated out two year anniversay yesterday. We spent the whole day together doing lots of nothing and enjoying each others company. Topped off with pizza, the Transformers movie, and chocolate fudge cake with cream cheese frosting it was darn near perfect.

I can't believe it's already been two years!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Cuboid Syndrome

I had my appointment with the Podiatrist on Thursday. She thinks I have Cuboid Syndrome. Apparently it is a common problem with athletes (especially ballet dancers). That is sooo not me. I was just lucky enough to be kicked in the right place. It is also called Cuboid Subluxation. Anyone who has been to the chiropractor should know that term.

Basically, Taylor kicked my cuboid out of place. In March, I had the chiropractor put it back in. It got better but never healed completely.

The podiatrist taped my food to simulate orthopedic inserts. I have to keep tape on my foot for five days and see her again in ten days. The orthopedics she want me to get will cost $500. My chiropractor offers them for $170. If they decide I need them I'll definitely go for the cheaper ones.

When I went to the chiropractor on Friday he looked up Cuboid Syndrome and it showed the way to adjust it. When he did it, it hurt really bad but there was a really loud pop. He got real excited and said it was the best adjustment of the day. Hopefully it will continue to get better.

By the way, having your foot taped really sucks!

The Unhurt One

Brandon on the other hand is doing very well. He has learned how to "Gimme 5" and say cheese. He is an escape artist and a nudist. He is constantly taking off his diaper and is learning how to take his clothes off. And to make matters worse, he can now open doors. I'm so glad someone invented door knob covers.


On Tuesday Taylor came home from school saying his wrist hurt. He was playing a basket ball game called King of the Hill and fell down on his wrist. The next day we took him to the doctor and she thinks it could be a Scafoid-Snuffbox fracture. She put him in a splint and sent him for x-rays. There appears to be no break but he has to wear the splint for two weeks (which he is just thrilled bout) and he might have to have another x-ray. If there is a fracture he will have to wear a cast.

I'm so glad my mother had such graceful children that we could pass it on to our own children.


Kids have the crazy ability to make our hearts stop without really trying. I got a call from Kyra's school saying that she had fallen down at school and I needed to come pick her up. They said she had scraped her knee and had a pretty big goose egg on her forhead. I could hear her crying in the background and she sounded really upset. When she gets hurt I'm the only one who can calm her down. I left work right away and it took 20 minutes to get to her. James also came from home with Brandon.

Let me just say, when I saw her it broke my heart.

Her knee bled pretty good but it was just superficial. But then she lifted her bangs!!!!!!

Her goose egg was larger than a golf ball! It hurt to look at it. I just wanted to hold her and cry with her.

Her doctor is only at the clinic on Thursday which is when this happened so I felt pretty good about her going there instead of the ER. I called to let them know we were coming since it was noon. They said we wouldn't be able to see him but we could see his assistant. When we got there we sat in the waiting room for maybe two minutes then they brought us to the treatment room. The PA took one look at her and brought her doctor in. He checked her out and decided there were not fractures or concussion. Something about a hematoma and contusion. We bought her a bag of cookies and took her home to relax.

The swelling has gone down but the bridge of her nose is really puffy which makes her eyes look different. I'd say we were really lucky.

I talked to her teacher later that day and she said Kyra had tripped over the railroad ties that surround the playground and hit her head on the concrete. At first she was more worried about her knee so they didn't see her head right away. They then rushed her to the nurse office and put an icepack on it.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

On Second Thought

Taylor is still in Cub Scouts. I talked to his Den leader about it and she says the group is set up so the boys can do as much or as little as they want to earn badges. I'm glad. I like the values and experiences he can have but I hate having to badger him to do the work.We'll see how it goes.

Anyone want to buy some popcorn?

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Dropping Like Flies

Well, Britt's not the only one dropping activities.

Taylor has dropped out of Cub Scouts. We did the nature walk but he was bored. Then he had to fill out a worksheet but he hadn't paid attention to the guide so he had to re-ask all the questions. The biggest reason he wanted to join was to learn how to carve. Hopefully James knows enough about it to teach him. I just need to get him a knife that would be good to carve with. I can just see him trying to carve with his R&R pocket knife.

I have to say, the hike was a nightmare. For me at least. I decided to go along so I wouldn't have to wait with Kyra and Brandon. The stroller we have is definitely not good for four wheeling. I'm surprised Brandon didn't get whip lash. They said if we were quiet then we might see some animals. Kyra does not have a good indoor voice. We didn't see any animals.

Surprise, surprise!
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